Brachialis to Anterior Interosseous Nerve Transfer with Extended Forearm Incision – Extended

Brachialis to Anterior Interosseous Nerve Transfer with Extended Forearm Incision
Extended Edition (140312.140314)

Tables of Contents (Extended)
01:46 Proximal Arm Exposure
04:27 Exposure and Identification of Median Nerve in the Arm
07:15 Exposure and Identification of Musculocutaneous Nerve and Brachialis Branch
09:38 Neurolysis of Median Nerve to Identify the Pronator Teres and AIN Fascicles
15:35 Distal Forearm Exposure
17:19 Step-lengthening the Pronator Teres for Proximal Median Nerve Exposure
20:59 Exposure of Median Nerve in the Forearm
22:40 Identifying the Distal Pronator Teres Branch
25:46 Identifying the Proximal Pronator Teres Branch and Proximal Neurolysis
27:27 Exposure of Anterior Interosseous Nerve Branch
31:26 Extension of Proximal Arm Exposure
33:36 Fascicular Course of the Anterior Interosseous Nerve from Distal to Proximal
40:00 Dissection and Distal Division of Donor Brachialis Nerve Branch
41:26 Anomalous Sensory Anastomosis from Brachialis Nerve Branch to Median Nerve
43:12 Neurolysis and Proximal Division of Recipient Anterior Interosseous Fascicle
46:19 Brachialis to Anterior Interosseous Nerve Transfer

Narration: Susan E. Mackinnon
Videography: Andrew Yee

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