10 yrs old child, fresh injury, treatment plan , conserve , operate. If yes what procedure..opine please
Nitin Sharma Reduce under ga it vil definitely reduced get a check xray after 1wk if displace k wire is the answer
Srinivas Daravathu Nitin Sharma ,y 2 anaesthesia for 1 procedure?any tricks and tips for closed reduction ?
Nitin Sanadhya Is there any chance that PQ would entrapped there preventing CR . 2 lateral to medial oblique k wires that’s all needed?
Pawan Ojha Cr and k wire, don’t leave in cast for displacement, trick for reduction is with help of intra focal 2 mm k wire
Raghvendra Choubey Just maintain length at 10yrs age remodels very well. Very well treated conservatively
Latif Abdul Most of the cases treated conservatively ended with angular deformity .percutaneous k wire should be preferred
Shishir Patel In this case reduction is tricky bcaus ulna not fract but if reduction comes keep it in full pronation double slab support. definitely it will not displace