Anuj Agrawal35 year old female presenting with pain and swelling over radial aspect of nail fold of middle finger since 8 to 10 years. Dystrophic lateral nail plate, with longitudinal ridge. History of cold sensitivity. X-rays normal. Diagnosis and management?
Kir PatHildreth’s test ,Love,s test..Thanks Anuj Agrawal,I revive my knowledge after your posting …Never performed this test…but hildreth,s test has high predictability value..what abt your pt?
Anuj AgrawalHildreth’s was positive in the patient. Love’s was not typically positive, with the tenderness more diffuse rather than pinpoint. I post these cases for teaching purposes only. The characteristic triad, esp cold sensitivity, is diagnostic and further investigations (MRI) are not warranted.
Anuj AgrawalMany surgical approaches are described for excision- transungual, paraungual and lateral. I prefer a transungual approach, as it gives a wide exposure. Will add intra-op pics..
Anuj AgrawalThe lateral half of nail plate was excised, the proximal nail fold was incised obliquely at the radial corner and a skin flap was raised to expose the bluish-red tumor.
Anuj AgrawalThey are posted in my last 3 comments, before your comment. The images were not initially created as an album, so could not add images. Hence, posted as comments.