Manejo farmacológico del dolor por osteoartritis en ancianos
Pharmacologic Management of Osteoarthritis-Related Pain in Older Adults: A Review Shows that Many Drug Therapies Provide Small-to-Modest Pain Relief. Reid MC, Shengelia R, Parker SJ. HSS J. 2012 Jul;8(2):159-64. doi: 10.1007/s11420-012-9273-0. Abstract Because pain is a common and debilitating symptom of osteoarthritis in older adults, the authors reviewed data on the efficacy and safety of commonly used oral, topical, and intraarticular drug therapies in this population. A search of several databases found that most studies have focused on knee osteoarthritis and reported only short-term outcomes. Also, treatment efficacy was found to vary by drug class; the smallest effect was observed with acetaminophen and the largest with opioids and viscosupplements. Acetaminophen and topical agents had the best safety profiles, whereas oral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and opioids had the worst. Little data were available on patients ages 75 years old and older and on patients from diverse racial and ethnic groups. Most drug therapies gave mild-to-moderate pain relief; their long-term safety and efficacy and their effects in diverse populations (particularly older adults) remain undetermined.
Manejo farmacológico de dolor por osteoartritis en ancianos
Pharmacologic management of osteoarthritis-related pain in older adults.Reid MC, Shengelia R, Parker SJ.Author informationAm J Nurs. 2012 Mar;112(3 Suppl 1):S38-43. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000412650.02926.e3.Abstract OVERVIEW: Because pain is a common and debilitating symptom of osteoarthritis in older adults, the authors reviewed data on the efficacy and safety of commonly used oral, topical, and intraarticular drug therapies in this population. A search of several databases found that most studies have focused on knee osteoarthritis and reported only short-term outcomes. Also, treatment efficacy was found to vary by drug class; the smallest effect was observed with acetaminophen and the largest with opioids and viscosupplements. Acetaminophen and topical agents had the best safety profiles, whereas oral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and opioids had the worst. Little data were available on patients ages 75 years old and older and on patients from diverse racial and ethnic groups. Most drug therapies gave mild-to-moderate pain relief; their long-term safety and efficacy and their effects in diverse populations (particularly older adults) remain undetermined.
Que sabemos del manejo farmacológico del dolor relacionado con osteoartritis
What Do We Know about Pharmacologic Management of Osteoarthritis-Related Pain? M.C. Reid, MD, PhD, Rouzi Shengelia, MD, Samantha J. Parker, AB, and Mary C. Ballin, GNP-BC, CDE