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Extravasation injuries: a review
By I. Goutos, L. K. Cogswell and H. Giele
By I. Goutos, L. K. Cogswell and H. Giele
The growth factors involved in flexor tendon repair and adhesion formation
By O. A. Branford, B. R. Klass, et al.
By O. A. Branford, B. R. Klass, et al.
Clinical outcomes of proximal row carpectomy versus four-corner arthrodesis for post-traumatic wrist arthropathy: a systematic review
By B. M. Saltzman, J. M. Frank, et al.
By B. M. Saltzman, J. M. Frank, et al.
Performance of a knotless four-strand flexor tendon repair with a unidirectional barbed suture device: a dynamic ex vivo comparison
By T. S. Peltz, R. Haddad, et al.
By T. S. Peltz, R. Haddad, et al.